Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween Eve

Well, it's the day before Halloween, the pension cheque is in the bank and all is well. Started Spanish classes this afternoon and am now getting ready for a craft sale at Lake Chapala Society on Sarurday morning. Will be selling blank cards and matchboxes featuring photographs from the Copper Canyon area here in Mexico. Have also been knitting up a storm making knitted coton dishcloths. My morning pages are getting easier even if what I'm writing is not profound but that's probably the point anyway. Considering the NoWriMo novel writing challenge. Started last year but gave up the ghost in the first week. Without the distraction of television and Internet perhaps it could happen!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Domingo News and Views

Am on location at Black Coffee at Centro Laguna enjoying a coffee and the extra hour that we got back last night at 2 a.m. Very mellow music next door from a bilingual balladeer. The previous night was the Tall Boys and things were rocking and rolling to well past midnight.

Well, after all that excitement of Thrill the World Ajijic  it's time to get down to business to prepare for the upcoming Finding Water group that will start in my apartment on Donato Guerra on November 7th. Lots to do, copy prepare and organize so the next week will be very busy. About a dozen participants have signed up to take the program and possibly do some mixed media projects along the way. First project is prayer flags and I've acquired a number of burlap coffee sacks from my favourite coffee place in the plaza, Cafe Grano.

Thrill the World in the Plaza October 27 th, 2012

Well, the YouTube video is up and OMG I can be spotted along with all the other zombies in the plaza! It was quite the experience to be sure and the event raised 95 000 pesos to date for the Cruz Roja/red Cross.